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Thursday, July 07, 2005

Murdering for God

I was just catching-up on some news about the attacks today in London. I went to an AOL message board to post a message for those in the UK. That might sound like a corny thing to do, but I read boards like that on September 12, 2001 (I was glued to the TV on 9/11). It was actually a great comfort to me, and seemed to be for other US responders. The messages of solidarity were heartening.

While I was at the message board to write a post, I read one that seemed to me to hit the nail on the head. A British lady wrote, "If my religion required me to kill innocent people, I would change my religion. I have a mind of my own!" I think Margaret Thatcher was right when she remarked, "We are one people." This basic view of things is what binds us together, and then separates us from extreme fundamentalists -- regardless of location or denomination.
It's ALWAYS the extremists that make it bad for the majority. We NEED to remember that at times like this.
Looks to me like a lot of people like us, are doing just that!
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