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Friday, June 24, 2005

Posting Is Elsewhere Today

I have posted my answers to a game question on TSHSMom's Blog: tshsmom

Her post is titled "OK Ben; I'll Play." My writings are in the comments section thereof.

I wrote enough there for today. I am still not altogether well. Also, I just got my sheltie, Zack, groomed with his summer "Do." It was overdue. Now that his fur has been shaved off, I see that he is scrawny, and has wasted a lot since last I saw him furless. I'm worried sick about him.
It's so hard to fatten them up when our pets are on a limited diet.
Zack looked to me more shorn than shaved. Did I see him with a few days stubble?
You are right. He was shorn,not shaved. The groomer did leave some sparse patches here and there where a bit of pink skin shows through. I learned a while back to put lotion on his belly to keep him from getting a razor rash after grooming. This time I put some on his chest and behind his ears, as well. I missed a patch on his shoulder, but that wasn't shaved, just closely cut. He seems okay now.
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