About Me
- Name: Sagepaper
- Location: United States
An only child and service-brat, I was born in Panama. We lived on Indian Reservations when I was two to four-and-a-half -- crucial years for social development. Culturally, I am a mixed-up White Eyes from Mescalero. I began college at fifteen, enjoying a luxurious seven years of rigorous liberal arts education. Since graduating with a B.A. in Psychology, I have avidly read non-fiction, adding enormously to my formal education. Disabled by Tourette's Syndrome and other conditions, I live in Atlanta's suburbia. My father and husband are both physicians, and share a consulting business. (I am very proud of what they do, but I mention their occupations because people cannot seem to move to another small-talk topic if I simply say I am disabled. They must be told an occupation, and will start asking about family members to get one.)
Herein find essays, musings, Haiku, and other traditional poetry.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
For TSHSMom: Keeping Belongings -- OCD, or Spiritual Stewardship?
To me, everything seems to have its own spirit and personality. Some things resonate strongly with me, others do not. When it is time for an object and me to part ways, I often spend a little time communing with it, sort of "talking" with it. I can usually keep from hurting its feelings that way. In fact, I sometimes let go something I like because it seems anxious to leave. In that case, the farewell communion is more for my benefit than for the object's.
Perhaps allowing Z some ritual time with things he is sorting would help. It takes longer, but in the end there is greater peace of spirit, and less anger at others. Disregard all of this, of course, if it is incompatible with your family's beliefs. As an aside, I do not believe my view of objects constitutes idolatry. I don't worship things, but I respect them.
How's your dog doing? You've been in my thoughts every day. We've been through this experience twice in the last 20 yrs and know how heartbreaking it can be.
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