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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Regarding Two Essays Against Anti-semitism on Campus

Here is some further correspondence. To view the essays to which I responded, click the link to Am Chazak Oseh Shalom's blog on the right.

Sagepaper said...
I find your essays to be historically accurate. I really question whether you are correct about the term "Semite" applying only to Jews. I believe the term well predated the Third Reich. Unlike you, however, I have no credible reference to cite on the matter. While any patriot, of any nation, must maintain a sovereign will of self-defense, I think you are incorrect in assuming that only Israel can defend Israel. The truth is, Israel has only itself to 100% rely on. Hopefully, though, there will not come a day when Israel must stand alone and friendless in a hostile world. I do not believe that it is only Jews with influence in Washington who keep the US firmly rooted as an ally. Pro-Israeli sentiment enjoys a fairly broad consensus in the US.
10:27 PM
Anonymous said...
To Sagepaper:YBM never said nething about "semite" only applying to Jews. He said that the term "antisemite" was invented as a synonym for Jew-hatred, specifically, "scientific" Jew-hatred. Also, the term was invented way before the third reich: 1870s i think.
10:40 PM
Sagepaper said...
Thank you for clarifying!
12:52 AM
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